For everyone in DC who has had the opportunity to see any aspect of this huge party celebrating this amazing president, you have NO idea how fortunate you are. Please take a ton of pictures and blow a couple kisses his way for me.
We're sitting around the TV in our student lounge watching BBC coverage. This is beyond real and SO unbelievably amazing.
I definitely have not felt homesick until today. I really wish I was in DC to see this amazing event and to be a part of it. I know tomorrow I'll be fine and get back to life in Rome, but for today, I wish I was in America, in DC, at the Mall. Because nothing will ever compare to this. So, DON'T take it for granted, get down there to the mall and have a blast celebrating!!!!!!
I can't wait to come home and hang out with my new neighbors, The Obamas.

Hi Bridget,
We too have been on cloud nine - celebrating the answer to so many prayers. Our dear friend, Pat, who lives on Cyprus was nearly in tears after his address. She said "The world has hope again".
Though we didn't get down to the Mall, you can be proud of your family - your Mom and Grace went to the fantastic music from the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday and then went back again today for the Inauguration. Claire went today, too, with folks from the Mount. Eric went to Al Gore's Green Ball last night and was on the Mall this morning. Mikie was aching to go, but Eric talked her out of it because of the crowds and limited portajohns. . Noel worked the concert on Sunday - actually MET OBAMA!!!!! and was working a ball tonight.
Hurrah! Bush's plane just took off returning him to his beloved Texas - and they are welcome to him.
We love reading your blog - it brings back many memories.
Keep enjoying every minute! We love you and are SO proud of you.
Nanna Boo Boo and Handsome Vince
Great blog! Makes me proud of you. I agree with all that Nanna Boo Boo said. By the way, who the hell is Nanna Boo Boo?
Read my latest post cause it's all about the inauguration!!
I miss you and Mom is trying to call right now! If she gets through, I'll talk to you.
I love you so much <3
i'm so glad you got to at least watch it! i watched it from home--homework calls, but still so cool.
I don't know if the Obamas like McDonald's, but I just heard that the world's largest and probably most expensive) McD's is next to the Spanish Steps. Maybe if each friend sent you 3 bucks or so, you and Martine can stop there for a salad and gelato?
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