Friday, January 16

more pictures!

Hello everyone! Lots of pictures to put up! I'll label these ones...

St. Peter's Square on the Ephiany - SO crowded

More of St. Peter's Square

St. Peter's Square is PACKED.

If you look around at the top, its all of the saints the Popes have selected to look over the square.

A bridge over the Tiber River (Fiume Tevere)

Shot of the Roman skyline...

Another bridge, they're so beautiful!

This is the courtyard of our school - thats an orange tree in the middle.

This house is amazing, click on it for a close up - its SO complex.

Just the usual scene on a walk around the neighborhood - maybe 20 minutes from my house.

A close up of the fountain, again, just a usual occurence!

This is the pyramid of cestius (piramide) by Bea's house - one of the most amazing sights in Rome.

Part of the overall Trevi fountain - click on this one for a close up, its beautiful

Trevi fountain, a little blurry.

All of the Trevi fountain, its so dramatic!

Again, Trevi fountain.

The hallway of our school

The view of Rome from the top of the North American Pontifical University

More view, with the mountains - its so beautiful up there!

Roman skyline

more of the Roman skyline

GELATO!! (another good one for a close up!)

Inside St. Peter's Basilica.

This is a high school by the bus stop - in case anyone wants to see what high schools are like here...

More view!

On the bus on my way to school

This is the park we study in - its full of kids!

More park

More park

I just really want everyone to see how beautiful and sunny it is!

More of the view from the pontifical university.

All of Rome :)

The most beautiful place ever!


I just loved this house sitting above everything else!

Just one last picture of the skyline.

Parts of the cross, crown of thorns, INRI sign and nails.

More relics in St. Helen's church

My little room in Roma :)


Vince said...

Fun Pix! Glad you made your bed before you shot your room.

Does that highschool remind you of Seton?:)

I love that you are enjoying the experience so much.


Unknown said...

Bridget- you are a great photographer, this is so much fun to see and read, I am getting hungry seeing your menus....Kepp Enjoying this experience! xoxPam