Anyway, here are some pictures from the buffalo farm. Remember that these aren’t real buffalo, but are a type of cow.
Some of the older buffalo – they’ve already had baby buffalo and thus can produce lots of milk (which makes the yummy cheese).
More of the buffalo – aren’t they cute?
They’re really dirty, but apparently, their stalls are cleaned twice a day. Also, they smell really bad.
A whole line of them eating the hay…and Bea.
Leeann petting one of the buffalo.
They’re so attractive…
This one had weird blue eyes, so I think it is maybe an alien cow.
Another lovely, super attractive cow. These are the adolescent cows, who haven’t had babies yet and therefore can’t produce milk.
Che carina! What a cute little baby cow, I love it! She is maybe 10 days old.
There she is again, she somehow escaped.
These are the baby cows, only a few hours old. They have to live in these little cages.
Piccolo! So cute, so little.
This one really liked us :) She’s really cute.
I tried to get a shot of the cage so you can see where she’s kept.
A baby piglet! Soon to be sausage!
This is hard to see, but these are baby piglets nursing. They’re so adorable!
Sorrento mountains.
More of the landscape.
Also on the farm – donkeys.
And, a couple horses.
Love your captions! Grande umorismo! You and your mom must have enjoyed seeing Rome together. How great it could happen. But I guess traveling weakens her resistance; she's down with a cold now. Keep enjoying Italy (is that like the poet who told the ocean to keep rolling on?) Love.
those lil pigs are so cute!!
love ya!
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