On our boat ferry ride into Venice from our campground. Notice how sunny and beautiful it is...we had perfect weather
The beautiful facade of the city - this is so typical Venice and so different from anything else I've ever seen. Its so beautiful.
More of the city facade, this time with a bridge in it and the basilicas in the background.
More city facade, this one with an outdoor cafe on the water and on the left, typical Venetian windows.
City skyline.
This was our view while we were landing in Venice.
The yellow building in front is the boat stops where you pick up the ferries.
Behind us as we're pulling in to Venice.
Boats on the water and the industrial part (Maestre), which is across the water.
Our first glimpse of the Grand Canal - it is honestly like a fairy tale city.
A typical Venetian building complete with the windows and the docks in front of it.
Venetian city skyline with a water ferry coming up the Canal.
An empty gondola waiting for its passengers.
More of the city along the canal.
The buildings are beautiful and colorful!
This is one of my favorite pictures of Venice - the red and yellow colorful buildings with a beautiful bridge over a little canal.
At St. Marks Square, we ran into some dinosaurs - people dressed up on stilts! They actually were pretty scary when we first saw them. They had machines inside that played some good sound effects!
Just to give you an idea of how elaborate the costumes were....
Look how tall!
Sorry, this is a bad picture of St. Marks - its actually pretty gaudy though, I wasn't that in love with it...
Look at all of the people trying to see the Carnevale party!
People were not the only things that were dressed up - many people had their dogs outfitted in stylish costumes.
You can tell how sunny it was with the size of the shadow on this picture - this is a mosaic of Jesus over top of St. Marks.
Check out the elaborate statues and mosaics - I really find them a bit over kill...
Another couple all dressed up for carnevale!
The gothic side of St. Marks.
More of St. Marks...
Notice the shift to more colorful marble...
The bell tower - but mostly I love the beautiful sky!
These people thought they were cooler than they really are. Their costumes aren't so great.
I think this guy, however, was really well dressed. He stood very still the whole time and let everyone take his picture!
Carnevale people!
More of the side of St. Marks....
This guy was great - he liked posing for the cameras.
Look how elaborate his costume is! And of course, the beautiful water and sky behind him!
I really loved this lady with her rose. She had a very elaborate headdress on..those things aren't light!
A gondola resting in the water.
This was a great costume as well.
So beautiful with all the birds...
We didn't have much luck moving quickly through the city. I know this picture is blurry, but it gives a good idea of the massive number of people...
Martine getting her face painted by the lady who was from Salt Lake City Utah.
She was getting a flower - I forgot to have her take pictures of me getting mine done....
Martine, me, and Bea - beautiful faces! (It was really sunny!!)
Katie and her cousin, Jamie with their masks on.
Some lady in a white jacket who I thought was exceptionally well dressed for Carnevale - and some boring autumn people...
The sun going down over a crooked skyline - I was holding the camera straight, don't worry.
Another beautiful bridge....
Walking alongside a canal...
A little walkway - this is what most of the streets look like...
Bea and Martine posing on a bridge...
Again, with a crooked clock tower between them...
Looking down a lovely little canal, with the sun sinking over Venice
Katie and me on a bridge!
The peach lady posing for photographers...
Martine walking over the bridge into Venice on day 2
Another beautiful day in a beautiful city...
So pretty!
I love these little bridges everywhere!
A glimpse of the Venetian skyline.
This door goes to...the canal.
A gondola man!
The Venetian flag with a lion on it! (Kinda looks like Gryffindor, doesn't it?)
Just, you know, where we spend our weekends...
America has streets made of gold, but Venice has streets made of water. Which do you prefer? I know my answer...
A few gondolas coming across the Grand Canal
Unfortunately, the Rialto is so big I had to put it in two pictures.
Part two, its a pretty cool bridge, but actually not that exciting...
A crooked chiminey - like everything in Venice.
Bijou Brigitte - just a store with my name on it...
An Italian theatre - for those of you who don't know Italian, I know thats a tricky one....